Sunglasses Are Critical Eye Protection
Summer is coming, bringing with it extended daylight hours and abundant sunshine!
Summer is coming, bringing with it extended daylight hours and abundant sunshine!
It might surprise you how different eyesight and eye health can be between the sexes.
When we rub our eyes, we might be jeopardizing our eye health.
Frequent headaches can stem from unexpected sources, including vision problems.
On Friday March 8th Dr. Robeson was awarded the Minnesota Optometric Association Dr. Louis Allgeyer Distinguished O.D. Service of the Year Award. Distinguished O.D. of the Year The Minnesota Optometric Association Distinguished Service Award recognizes an individual Doctor of Optometry who has distinguished themselves within the profession for unusually significant contributions and outstanding achievements contributing […]
About one in five adults in the United States has an undiagnosed eye condition.
Color blindness isn't all black and white.
At the end of March, Dr. Robin Theye is leaving Robeson Family Vision Center to join a practice closer to her home. Patients have appreciated Robin’s clear, consistent, and informative eye health care. We will miss her, but share her excitement for her next opportunity and the increased time it will allow her to spend […]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of permanent vision loss for people over fifty.